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Leagues :

Links to all the European countries. For every country you can find information about :
* League format
* Champions and cup winners from 1970
* Domestic tables of the last 25 years
* Clubs in European Cups
* European Club Ranking for various periods


Attendances :

A lot of attendance statistics of 51 countries, 166 leagues, 2.558 clubs and 44.020 games !!


European Club Ranking :

It's possible to compare clubs from different countries with this ranking system. The strength of a national league is based on the UEFA country ranking system. The ranking is dependent on the results in the domestic league, cup and European Cup football.


Topscorer :

EFS compares the topscorers of the domestic leagues.
EFS compares the average number of goals in domestic leagues.


Topscorer :

Tables of the most succesfull teams per decade and alltime (from 1956 - present). The points are based on two points for a win, one point for a draw and bonuspoints in accordance with the UEFA country ranking system.


English clubs :

Performances and attendances of all English league clubs in the league, FA Cup and League Cup from 1888 ! 


International country football :

Statistics of international country football, like alltime tables and attendances for European and World Championship.


Updates :

All the latest updates on European Football Statistics.